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Admissions - For details of our Admissions Policy, please visit our Policies pages
If you wish to book a tour of the school, then please contact the office e-mail office@sticklands.dorset.sch.uk
All applications to the school should be made via the Dorset For You website
Dorset Admission appeals timetable
Action | Deadline |
Local Authority publishes appeals timetable to include: | 28 February. |
For a parent to submit an appeal. |
At least 20 school days from the parent receiving notice of the refusal of a school place. |
Notice of the appeal hearing. |
At least 10 school days before the appeal hearing. |
Appellants (usually the parents) to submit evidence. | 8 school days before the appeal hearing. |
Admission Authority (the school) to submit their evidence. | 8 school days before the appeal hearing. |
The clerk (person organising the appeal) sends appeal papers to the parents, the panel and the school. | 5 school days before the appeal hearing. |
Additional evidence from the appellants: sometimes the appellants want to provide additional information after seeing all the papers. | 5 school days before the appeal hearing. |
Decision letters sent to the appellants: this is the letter that tells the appellant if their appeal has been upheld or refused. | Within 5 school days of the hearing (wherever possible). |
For applications made in the normal admission round appeals must be heard. | Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals (see 1. above). |
For in year and late applications: those that came in after the deadline and have not been decided by the offer date. Appeals must be heard. | Within 30 school days of the appeal. |