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Spelling - Year 2 to Year 6

Emile Spelling Programme

We have introduced the Emile Spelling programme for children in Years 2-6. Emile is a structured, interactive and teacher-led approach to spelling that ensures full coverage of the statutory rules and guidance for spelling whilst allowing for teacher creativity and judgement in the delivery.

Emile spelling enables us to do the following:

  • Meet the spelling expectations of the National Curriculum 2014
  • Ensure that the needs of all children are met within a whole class teaching structure
  • Teach an understanding of words, patterns and rules
  • Provide consistency and progression in the teaching of spelling
  • Support all children to be more confident at spelling
  • Raise standards in spelling
  • Track and assess progress in engaging online battles

How does this approach support your child in learning to spell?

Spelling is an essential for everyday life. Emile is an interactive approach to spelling that makes use of the latest games-based learning and engages students so that they develop their skills in a fun way.  It helps children to develop fluency and recall of spellings with common patterns and uses rules in order to help them recall spellings, as well as teach understanding of the meaning and origins of words.

Building independence

Just giving children weekly spellings to be tested (even when they score 10/10!) does not mean that they will apply these in their own written work. With this new approach, we will combine regular practise of words (through online games and more traditional tasks) with developing an understanding of how to make increasingly plausible attempts to spell new words due to an understanding of the rules and patterns.  With support and encouragement in school and at home, children will become more confident and independent spellers, which will help them become better writers.  

Home Learning 

Your child will bring home a weekly spelling task that may include an online task, look-say-cover-write-check, a word-search or a proofreading task. Please support and praise your child in their efforts to develop their spelling skills.  Spelling will now be assessed by applying their spellings in dictated sentences, online spelling 'battles' and a twice-yearly quiz.